
The Nikki is the latest foiling dinghy from our Australian partners at "Skeetafoilingcraft". A boat that we adults wish we had already had,
when we started sailing.

Nikki - "Game Changer" in the Youth Segment

An open, modern dinghy suitable for learning to sail with body tension and for a playful, competitive approach to foiling boats. While it is intended for youth development in sailing clubs or in a private setting - we also see more petite, lightweight adults as a target group.

Short portrait Nikki

For juniors, who e.g. change from the Optimist to the Nikki, it makes sense to leave the foils on land in the beginning and get used to a new sitting position, foot straps and more sensitive steering as well as higher speeds while gliding.

The Nikki on the foils opens up new horizons for young sailors and a previously unknown, intense sailing experience, without being exposed to significant dangers, as long as the right equipment such as helmet and safety vest is worn. To further minimize the risk of injury, the boat has various safety features.

It is undisputed that the new experiences of sailing on foils have a motivating effect and increase the general sailing level of the young sailors. The higher speeds, the handling of the apparent wind, the need to constantly monitor the perfect sail trim, to dose and coordinate the use of the body and to combine reaction speed with fine tiller control - all this sharpens the senses in young sailors.

Foiling is both challenging and rewarding.

And this is exactly what the young sailors will benefit from if they continue to race in conventional boats.

The concept and construction are similar to those of the Skeeta. But it takes even less time to get the Nikki off the car roof and onto the water. The wings are attached or detached in seconds. The unstayed, two-piece and pluggable carbon mast has mast lower parts of different lengths depending on the sail size. This allows a quick sail change. The foil system is identical to that of the Skeeta.    

9.5 feet / 2.90 m
1.02m / 1.80 m (incl. wings)
Hull weight
27 kg
Sail area
5.5 / 6.5 m2 (optional)
Crew weight
30 - 65 kg
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